Internet Info 1994 March
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_d_i_s_c_a_r_d _t_h_i_s _p_a_g_e
Message Handling
Administrator's Guide
UCI Version
August 20, 1993
6.8.1 #1[UCI]
_1. _I_N_T_R_O_D_U_C_T_I_O_N
_S_c_o_p_e _o_f _t_h_i_s _d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t
This is the Administrator's Guide to _M_H. If you don't maintain an
_M_H system, don't read this; the information is entirely too technical.
If you are a maintainer, then read this guide until you understand it,
follow the advice it gives, and then forget about the guide.
Before continuing, I'll point out two facts:
_T_h_i_s _d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t _w_i_l_l _n_e_v_e_r _c_o_n_t_a_i_n _a_l_l _t_h_e _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
_y_o_u _n_e_e_d _t_o _m_a_i_n_t_a_i_n _M_H.
_F_u_r_t_h_e_r_m_o_r_e, _t_h_i_s _d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t _w_i_l_l _n_e_v_e_r _c_o_n_t_a_i_n _e_v_e_r_y_t_h_i_n_g
_I _k_n_o_w _a_b_o_u_t _m_a_i_n_t_a_i_n_i_n_g _M_H.
_M_H, and mailsystems in general, are more complex than most people real-
ize. A combination of experience, intuition, and tenacity is required
to maintain _M_H properly. This document can provide only guidelines for
bringing up an _M_H system and maintaining it. There is a sufficient
amount of customization possible that not all events or problems can be
During _M_H generation, you specify several configuration constants
to the _m_h_c_o_n_f_i_g program. These directives take into consideration such
issues as hardware and operating system dependencies in the source code.
They also factor out some major mailsystem administrative decisions that
are likely to be made consistantly at sites with more than one host.
The manual entry _m_h-_g_e_n (8) describes all the static configuration
However, when you install _M_H you may wish to make some
site-specific or host-specific changes which aren't hardware or even
software related. Rather, they are administrative decisions. That's
what this guide is for: it describes all of the dynamically tailorable
Usually, after installing _M_H, you'll want to edit the
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor file. This file fine-tunes the way _M_H
interacts with the message transport system (MTS). Section 2 talks
about the MTS interface and MTS tailoring.
After that, if you're running the UCI BBoards facility, or the POP
facility, you'll need to know how to maintain those systems. Sections 3
and 4 talk about these.
If for some reason you're not running an MTS that can handle both
Internet and _U_U_C_P traffic, you should read-up on mail filtering in Sec-
tion 5. Although this is considered "old technology" now, the mechan-
isms described in Section 5 were really quite useful when first intro-
duced way back in 1981.
Finally, you may want to know how to modify the _M_H source tree.
Section 6 talks (a little bit) about that.
The last two sections describe a few hidden features in _M_H, and the
configuration options that were in effect when this guide was generated.
After _M_H is installed, you should define the address "Bug-MH" to
map to either you or the _P_o_s_t_M_a_s_t_e_r at your site.
In addition, if you want to tailor the behavior of _M_H for new
users, you can create and edit the file /usr/local/lib/mh-
6.8/mh.profile. When the _i_n_s_t_a_l_l-_m_h program is run for a user, if this
file exists, it will copy it into the user's .mh_profile file.
_2. _T_H_E _M_T_S _I_N_T_E_R_F_A_C_E
The file /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor customizes certain
host-specific parameters of _M_H related primarily to interactions with
the transport system. The parameters in this file override the
compiled-in defaults given during _M_H configuration. Rather than recom-
piling _M_H on each host to make minor customizations, it is easier simply
to modify the mtstailor file. All hosts at a given site normally use
the same mtstailor file, though this need not be the case.
It is a good idea to run the _c_o_n_f_l_i_c_t (8) program each morning
under _c_r_o_n. The following line usually suffices:
00 05 * * * /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/conflict -mail PostMaster
mh-tailor, mtstailor - system customization for MH message handler
The file /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor defines run-time options
for those _M_H programs which interact (in some form) with the mes-
sage transport system. At present, these (user) programs are: _a_p,
_c_o_n_f_l_i_c_t, _i_n_c, _m_s_g_c_h_k, _m_s_h, _p_o_s_t, _r_c_v_d_i_s_t, and _r_c_v_p_a_c_k.
Each option should be given on a single line. Blank lines and
lines which begin with `#' are ignored. The options available
along with default values and a description of their meanings are
listed below:
The host name _M_H considers local. If not set, depending on
the version of UNIX you're running, _M_H will query the system
for this value (e.g., <whoami.h>, gethostname, etc.). This
has no equivalent in the _M_H configuration file. POP client
hosts have this value set to the name of the POP service host.
If this is set, a `.' followed by this string will be appended
to your host name. This might be useful for sites where the
host name returned by the system (e.g., <whoami.h>, gethost-
name, etc.), is not a "fully qualified domain name" (i.e.,
does not contain a `.').
The name of the local host in the _U_U_C_P "domain". If not set,
depending on the version of UNIX you're running, _M_H will query
the system for this value. This has no equivalent in the _M_H
configuration file.
mmdfldir: /usr/spool/mail
The directory where maildrops are kept. If this is empty, the
user's home directory is used. This overrides the "mail"
field in the _M_H configuration file.
The name of the maildrop file in the directory where maildrops
are kept. If this is empty, the user's login name is used.
This overrides the "mail" field in the _M_H configuration file.
mmdelim1: \001\001\001\001\n
The beginning-of-message delimiter for maildrops.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
mmdelim2: \001\001\001\001\n
The end-of-message delimiter for maildrops.
mmailid: 0
If non-zero, then support for MMailids in /etc/passwd is
enabled. Basically, the pw_gecos field in the password file
is of the form
My Full Name <mailid>
The _M_H internal routines that deal with user and full names
will return "mailid" and "My Full Name" respectively.
lockstyle: 0
The locking discipline to perform. A value of "0" means to
use kernel-level locking if available. (See below for more
details.) On systems compiled without kernel-level locking,
standard _B_e_l_l_M_a_i_l locking is used. A value of "1" means to
use _B_e_l_l_M_a_i_l locking always (the name of the lock is based on
the file name). A value of "2" means to use _M_M_D_F locking
always (the name of the lock is based on device/inode pairs).
The name of the directory for making locks. If your system
isn't configured to use kernel-level locking, then this direc-
tory is used when creating locks. If the value is empty, then
the directory of the file to be locked is used.
maildelivery: /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/maildelivery
The name of the system-wide default ._m_a_i_l_d_e_l_i_v_e_r_y file. See
_m_h_o_o_k (1) for the details.
everyone: 200
The highest user-id which should NOT receive mail addressed to
If set, then each user-id greater than "everyone" that has a
login shell equivalent to the given value (e.g., "/bin/csh")
indicates that mail for "everyone" should not be sent to them.
This is useful for handling admin, dummy, and guest logins.
_M_a_i_l _F_i_l_t_e_r_i_n_g
These options are only available if you compiled _M_H with
"options MF".
uucpchan: name of _U_U_C_P channel
Usually "UUCP". This has no equivalent in the _M_H configura-
tion file.
uucpldir: /usr/spool/mail
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
The name of the directory where _U_U_C_P maildrops are kept. This
has no equivalent in the _M_H configuration file.
The name of the maildrop file in the directory where _U_U_C_P
maildrops are kept. If this is empty, the user's login name
is used. This has no equivalent in the _M_H configuration file.
umincproc: /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/uminc
The path to the program that filters _U_U_C_P-style maildrops to
_M_M_D_F-style maildrops.
_S_t_a_n_d-_A_l_o_n_e _D_e_l_i_v_e_r_y
These options are only available if you compiled _M_H to use stand-
alone delivery (i.e., "mts: mh").
mailqdir: /usr/spool/netmail
The directory where network mail is queued.
tmailqdir: /usr/tmp
The directory where network mail queue files are built.
syscpy: 1
If ON, unauthorized mail is copied to the overseer.
overseer: root
The user that receives reports of unauthorized mail.
mailer: root
The user acting for the mail system.
fromtmp: /tmp/rml.f.XXXXXX
The _m_k_t_e_m_p template for storing from lines.
msgtmp: /tmp/rml.m.XXXXXX
The _m_k_t_e_m_p template for storing the rest of the message.
errtmp: /tmp/rml.e.XXXXXX
The _m_k_t_e_m_p template for storing error messages from other
tmpmode: 0600
The octal mode which temporary files are set to.
okhosts: /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/Rmail.OKHosts
A file containing a list of hosts that can send ARPAnet mail.
okdests: /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/RMail.OKDests
A file containing a list of hosts that can always receive
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
_T_h_e `/_s_m_t_p' _M_T_S _S_u_f_f_i_x
These options are only available if you compiled _M_H with the
"/smtp" suffix to your "mts:" configuration.
hostable: /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/hosts
The exceptions file for /etc/hosts used by _p_o_s_t to try to find
official names. The format of this file is quite simple:
1. Comments are surrounded by sharp (`#') and newline.
2. Words are surrounded by white space.
3. The first word on the line is the official name of a
4. All words following the official names are aliases for
that host.
servers: localhost \01localnet
A lists of hosts and networks which to look for SMTP servers
when posting local mail. It turns out this is a major win for
hosts which don't run an message transport system. The value
of "servers" should be one or more items. Each item is the
name of either a host or a net (in the latter case, precede
the name of the net by a \01). This list is searched when
looking for a smtp server to post mail. If a host is present,
the SMTP port on that host is tried. If a net is present, the
SMTP port on each host in that net is tried. Note that if you
are running with the BIND code, then any networks specified
are ignored (sorry, the interface went away under BIND).
This option is only available if you compiled _M_H to use _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l as
your delivery agent (i.e., "mts: sendmail").
sendmail: /usr/lib/sendmail
The pathname to the _s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l program.
_P_o_s_t _O_f_f_i_c_e _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l
This option is only available if you compiled _M_H with POP support
enabled (i.e., "pop: on").
The name of the default POP service host. If this is not set,
then _M_H looks in the standard maildrop areas for waiting mail,
otherwise the named POP service host is consulted.
_B_B_o_a_r_d_s _D_e_l_i_v_e_r_y
This option is only available if you compiled _M_H with
"bbdelivery: on".
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
The local BBoards domain (a UCI hack).
_B_B_o_a_r_d_s & _T_h_e _P_O_P
These options are only available if you compiled _M_H with
"bboards: pop" and "pop: on".
The POP service host which also acts as a BBoard server. This
variable should be set on the POP BBoards client host.
The guest account on the POP/BB service host. This should be
a different login ID than either the POP user or the BBoards
user. (The user-id "ftp" is highly recommended.) This vari-
able should be set on both the POP BBoards client and service
popbblist: /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/hosts.popbb
A file containing of lists of hosts that are allowed to use
the POP facility to access BBoards using the guest account.
If this file is not present, then no check is made. This
variable should be set on the POP BBoards service host.
_B_B_o_a_r_d_s & _T_h_e _N_N_T_P
This option is only available if you compiled _M_H with
"bboards: nntp" and "pop: on".
The host which provides the NNTP service. This variable
should be set on the NNTP BBoards client host.
_F_i_l_e _L_o_c_k_i_n_g
A few words on locking: _M_H has a flexible locking system for making
locks on files. There are two mtstailor variables you should be
aware of "lockstyle" and "lockldir". The first controls the method
of locking, the second says where lock files should be created.
The "lockstyle" variable can take on three values: 0, 1, 2. A
value of 0 is useful on systems with kernel-level locking. If you
are on a BSD42 system, _M_H assumes you have the _f_l_o_c_k system call.
On other systems: define FLOCK if you want to use the _f_l_o_c_k system
call; define LOCKF if you want to use the _l_o_c_k_f system call; or
define FCNTL if you want to use the _f_c_n_t_l system call for kernel-
level locking. If you haven't configured _M_H to use kernel-level
locking, a locking style of 0 is considered the same as locking
style 1.
A value of 1 or 2 specifies that a file should be created whose
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
existence means "locked" and whose non-existence means "unlocked".
A value of 1 says to construct the lockname by appending ".lock" to
the name of the file being locked. A value of 2 says to construct
the lockname by looking at the device and inode numbers of the file
being locked. If the "lockldir" variable is not specified, lock
files will be created in the directory where the file being locked
resides. Otherwise, lock files will be created in the directory
specified by "lockldir". Prior to installing _M_H, you should see
how locking is done at your site, and set the appropriate values.
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor tailor file
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
mh-gen(8), mh-mts(8)
As listed above
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
MH-MTS(8) -10- MH-MTS(8)
mh-mts - the MH interface to the message transport system
MMDF (any release)
_M_H can use a wide range of message transport systems to deliver
mail. Although the _M_H administrator usually doesn't get to choose
which MTS to use (since it's already in place), this document
briefly describes the interfaces.
When communicating with _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l, _M_H always uses the SMTP to post
mail. Depending on the _M_H configuration, _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l may be invoked
directly (via a _f_o_r_k and an _e_x_e_c), or _M_H may open a TCP/IP connec-
tion to the SMTP server on the localhost.
When communicating with _z_m_a_i_l_e_r, the _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l compatibility program
is required to be installed in /usr/lib. _M_H communicates with
_z_m_a_i_l_e_r by using the SMTP. It does this by invoking the
/usr/lib/sendmail compatibility program directly, with the `-bs'
When communicating with _M_M_D_F, normally _M_H uses the "mm_" routines
to post mail. However, depending on the _M_H configuration, _M_H
instead may open a TCP/IP connection to the SMTP server on the
When using the stand-alone system (NOT recommended), _M_H delivers
local mail itself and queues _U_U_C_P and network mail. The network
mail portion will probably have to be modified to reflect the local
host's tastes, since there is no well-known practice in this area
for all types of UNIX hosts.
If you are running a UNIX system with TCP/IP networking, then it is
felt that the best interface is achieved by using either _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l
or _M_M_D_F with the SMTP option. This gives greater flexibility. To
enable this option you append the /smtp suffix to the mts option in
the _M_H configuration. This yields two primary advantages: First,
you don't have to know where _s_u_b_m_i_t or _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l live. This means
that _M_H binaries (e.g., _p_o_s_t ) don't have to have this information
hard-coded, or can run different programs altogether; and, second,
you can post mail with the server on different systems, so you
don't need either _M_M_D_F or _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l on your local host. Big win in
conserving cycles and disk space. Since _M_H supports the notion of
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
MH-MTS(8) -11- MH-MTS(8)
a server search-list in this respect, this approach can be tolerant
of faults. Be sure to set "servers:" as described in mh-tailor(8)
if you use this option.
There are four disadvantages to using the SMTP option: First, only
UNIX systems with TCP/IP are supported. Second, you need to have
an SMTP server running somewhere on any network your local host can
reach. Third, this bypasses any authentication mechanisms in _M_M_D_F
or _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l. Fourth, the file /etc/hosts is used for hostname
lookups (although there is an exception file). In response to
these disadvantages though: First, there's got to be an SMTP server
somewhere around if you're in the Internet or have a local network.
Since the server search-list is very general, a wide-range of
options are possible. Second, SMTP should be fixed to have authen-
tication mechanisms in it, like POP. Third, _M_H won't choke on mail
to hosts whose official names it can't verify, it'll just plug
along (and besides if you enable the BERK or DUMB configuration
options, _M_H ignores the hosts file altogether).
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor tailor file
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
_M_M_D_F-_I_I: _A _T_e_c_h_n_i_c_a_l _R_e_v_i_e_w, Proceedings, Usenix Summer '84 Confer-
_S_E_N_D_M_A_I_L -- _A_n _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t_w_o_r_k _M_a_i_l _R_o_u_t_e_r
mh-tailor(8), post(8)
The /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor file ignores the information in
the _M_M_D_F-_I_I tailoring file. It should not.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
_3. _B_B_O_A_R_D_S
The UCI BBoards facility has two aspects: message reading, and mes-
sage delivery. The configuration directives applicable to BBoards are
"bboards: on/off/pop/nntp" and "bbdelivery: on/off".
_B_B_o_a_r_d _D_e_l_i_v_e_r_y
If you enabled BBoards delivery ("bbdelivery: on") during confi-
guration, then the initial environment for bboards delivery was set-up
during installation. A BBoard called "system" is established, which is
the BBoard for general discussion.
To add more BBoards, become the "bboards" user, and edit the
/usr/bboards/BBoards file. The file support/bboards/Example is a copy
of the /usr/bboards/BBoards file that we use at UCI. When you add a
BBoard, you don't have to create the files associated with it, the
BBoards delivery system will do that automatically.
Private BBoards may be created. To add the fictitious private
BBoard "hacks", add the appropriate entry to the BBoards file, create
the empty file /usr/bboards/hacks.mbox (or whatever), change the mode of
this file to 0640, and change the group of the file to be the groupid of
the people that you want to be able to read it. Also be sure to add the
"bboards" user to this group (in /etc/group), so the archives can be
owned correctly.
By using the special INVIS flag for a BBoard, special purpose
BBoards may be set-up which are invisible to the _M_H user. For example,
if a site distributes a BBoard both locally to a number of machines and
to a number of distant machines. It might be useful to have two distri-
bution lists: one for all machines on the list, and the other for local
machines only. This is actually very simple to do. For the main list,
put the standard entry of information in the /usr/bboards/BBoards file,
with the complete distribution list. For the local machines list, and
add a similar entry to the /usr/bboards/BBoards file. All the fields
should be the same except three: the BBoard name should reflect a local
designation (e.g., "l-hacks"), the distribution list should contain only
machines at the local site, and the flags field should contain the INVIS
flag. Since the two entries share the same primary and archive files,
messages sent to either list are read by local users, while only thoses
messages sent to the main list are read by all users.
Two automatic facilities for dealing with BBoards exist: automatic
archiving and automatic aliasing. The file support/bboards/crontab con-
tains some entries that you should add to your /usr/lib/crontab file to
run the specified programs at times that are convenient for you. The
bboards.daily file is run once a day and generates an alias file for _M_H.
By using this file, users of _M_H can use, for example, "unix-wizards"
instead of "unix-wizards@brl-vgr" when they want to send a message to
the "unix-wizards" discussion group. This is a major win, since you
just have to know the name of the group, not the address where it's
The bboards.weekly file is run once a week and handles old messages
(those received more than 12 days ago) in the BBoards area. In short,
those BBoards which are marked for automatic archiving will have their
old messages placed in the /usr/bboards/archive/ area, or have their old
messages removed. Not only does this make BBoards faster to read, but
it conveniently partitions the new messages from the old messages so you
can easily put the old messages on tape and then remove them. It turns
out that this automatic archiving capability is also a major win.
At UCI, our policy is to save archived messages on tape (every two
months or so). We use a program called _b_b_t_a_r to implement our particu-
lar policy. Since some BBoards are private (see above), we save the
archives on two tapes: one containing the world-readable archives (this
tape is read-only accessible to all users by calling the operator), and
the other containing the non-world-readable ones (this tape is kept
locked-up somewhere).
_B_B_o_a_r_d_s _w_i_t_h _t_h_e _P_O_P
If you configured _M_H with "bboards: pop" and "pop: on", then the _M_H
user is allowed to read BBoards on a server machine instead of the local
host (thus saving disk space). For completely transparent behavior, the
administrator may set certain variables in the mtstailor file on the
client host. The variable "popbbhost" indicates the host where BBoards
are kept (it doesn't have to be the POP service host, but this host must
run both a POP server and the BBoards system). The variable "popbbuser"
indicates the guest account on this host for BBoards. This username
should not be either the POP user or the BBoards user. Usually the
anonymous FTP user (ftp) is the best choice. Finally, the variable
"popbblist" indicates the name of a file which contains a list of hosts
(one to a line, official host names only) which should be allowed to use
the POP facility to access BBoards via the guest account. (If the file
is not present, then no check is made.)
The "popbbuser" variable should be set on both the client and ser-
vice host. The "popbbhost" variable need be set only on the client host
(the value, of course, is the name of the service host). The
"popbblist" variable need be set only on the service host.
Finally, on the client host, if a POP service host is not expli-
citly given by the user (i.e., "popbbhost" is implicitly used), then _b_b_c
will explicitly check the local host prior to contacting the service
host. This allows each POP client host to have a few local BBoards
(e.g., each host could have one called "system"), and then have the POP
service host used for all the rest (a site-wide BBoard might be known as
_B_B_o_a_r_d_s _w_i_t_h _t_h_e _N_N_T_P
If you configured _M_H with "bboards: nntp" and "pop: on", then the
_M_H user is allowed to read the Network News on a server machine using
the standard _b_b_c command. For completely transparent behavior, the
administrator may set the "nntphost" variable in the mtstailor file to
indicate the host where the Network News is kept. The "nntphost" vari-
able should be set only on the client host Finally, on the client host,
if an NNTP service host is not explicitly given by the user (i.e.,
"nntphost" is implicitly used), then _b_b_c will explicitly check the local
host prior to contacting the service host. This allows each NNTP client
host to have a few local BBoards (e.g., each host could have one called
"system"), and then have the NNTP service host used for to read the Net-
work News.
Reading BBoards via the POP and via the NNTP are mutually
BBoards - BBoards database
The BBoards database contains for each BBoard the following infor-
_f_i_e_l_d _v_a_l_u_e
name the name of the BBoard
aliases local aliases for the BBoard
(separated by commas)
primary file the .mbox file
encrypted password leadership password
leaders local list maintainers (separated by commas)
usernames from the _p_a_s_s_w_d (5) file,
or groupnames preceded by `=' from the
_g_r_o_u_p (5) file
network address the list address
request address the list maintainer's address
relay the host acting as relay for the local domain
distribution sites (separated by commas)
flags special flags (see <bboards.h>)
This is an ASCII file. Each field within each BBoard's entry is
separated from the next by a colon. Each BBoard entry is separated
from the next by a new-line. If the password field is null, no
password is demanded; if it contains a single asterisk, then no
password is valid.
This file resides in the home directory of the login "bboards".
Because of the encrypted passwords, it can and does have general
read permission.
/usr/bboards/BBoards BBoards database
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
bbaka(8), bbexp(8), bboards (8), bbtar(8)
A binary indexed file format should be available for fast access.
Appropriate precautions must be taken to lock the file against
changes if it is to be edited with a text editor. A _v_i_b_b program
is needed.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
bbaka - generate an alias list for BBoards
/usr/bboards/bbaka [system]
The _b_b_a_k_a program reads the BBoards database and produces on its
standard output a file suitable for inclusion in either the _M_M_D_F-_I_I
aliases file (if the argument `system' is given). If the argument
is not given, then _b_b_a_k_a produces on its standard output a file
suitable for becoming the /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/BBoardsAliases
/usr/bboards/BBoards BBoards database
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/BBoardsAliases BBoards aliases file for _M_H
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
BBEXP(8) -17- BBEXP(8)
bbexp - expunge the BBoards area
/usr/bboards/bbexp [-_f_i_r_s_t-_m_e_t_r_i_c] [-_s_e_c_o_n_d-_m_e_t_r_i_c] [bboards ...]
The _b_b_e_x_p program reads the BBoards database and calls _m_s_h to
archive the named BBoards (or all BBoards if none are specified).
The first-metric (which defaults to 12) gives the age in days of
the "BB-Posted:" field for messages which should be expunged. The
second-metric (which defaults to 20) gives the age in days of the
"Date:" field for messages which should be expunged. Any message
which meets either metric will be either archived or removed,
depending on what the _B_B_o_a_r_d_s (5) file says.
/usr/bboards/BBoards BBoards database
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
msh(1), bboards(5)
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
bboards - BBoards channel/mailer
/usr/mmdf/chans/bboards fd1 fd2 [y]
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/sbboards bboard ...
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/sbboards file maildrop directory
For _M_M_D_F, the BBoards channel delivers mail to the BBoards system.
For _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l and stand-alone _M_H, the SBBoards mailer performs this
For each address given, these programs consult the _b_b_o_a_r_d_s (5) file
to ascertain information about the BBoard named by the address.
The programs then perform local delivery, if appropriate. After
that, with the exception of _s_b_b_o_a_r_d_s running under stand-alone _M_H,
the programs perform redistribution, if appropriate.
For redistribution, the return address is set to be the request
address at the local host, so bad addresses down the line return to
the nearest point of authority. If any failures occur during
redistribution, a mail message is sent to the local request
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor tailor file
/usr/bboards/BBoards BBoards database
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
bboards(5), bbaka(8)
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
BBTAR(8) -19- BBTAR(8)
bbtar - generate the names of archive files to be put to tape
/usr/bboards/bbtar [private] [public]
The _b_b_t_a_r program reads the BBoards database and produces on its
standard output the names of BBoards archives which should be put
to tape, for direct use in a _t_a_r (1) command.
If the argument `private' is given, only private BBoards are con-
sidered. If the argument `public' is given, only public BBoards
are considered. This lets the BBoards administrator write two
tapes, one for general read-access (the public BBoards), and one
for restricted access. The default is all BBoards
For example:
cd archive # change to the archive directory
tar cv `bbtar private` # save all private BBoard archives
After the archives have been saved to tape, they are usually
removed. The archives are then filled again, usually automatically
by cron jobs which run _b_b_e_x_p (8).
/usr/bboards/BBoards BBoards database
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
bboards(5), bbexp(8)
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
_4. _P_O_P
For POP (Post Office Protocol) client hosts, you need to edit the
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor file to know about two hosts: the SMTP
service host and the POP service host. Normally, these are the same.
Change the "localname" field of the mtstailor file of _M_H in the file to
be the name of the POP service host. This makes replies to mail gen-
erated on the POP client host possible, since _M_H will consider use the
hostname of the POP service host as the local hostname for outgoing
mail. Also set the value of "pophost" to this value. This tells _i_n_c
and _m_s_g_c_h_k to use POP instead of looking for mail locally. Finally,
make sure the value of "servers" includes the name of the SMTP service
host. The recommended value for "servers" is:
servers: SMTP-service-host localhost \01localnet
If you want more information on the Post Office Protocol used by
_M_H, consult the files support/pop/rfc1081.txt and
support/pop/rfc1082.txt which describe the _M_H version of the POP: POP3.
For POP service hosts, you need to run a daemon, _p_o_p_d (8). The
daemon should start at multi-user boot time, so adding the lines:
if [ -f /etc/popd ]; then
/etc/popd & echo -n ' pop' >/dev/console
to the /etc/rc.local file is sufficient.
The port assigned to the POP3 protocol is "110". For historical
reasons, many sites are using port "109" which is the port assigned to
the "POP" (version 1 and 2) protocol. The configuration option "POPSER-
VICE" is the name of the port number that _M_H POP will try to use, and
defaults to the name "pop".
To generate _M_H to use newer assigned port number, in your _M_H config
file, add:
options POPSERVICE='"pop3"'
And on both the POP client and service hosts, you need to define the
port that the POP service uses. Add the line:
pop3 110/tcp
to the /etc/services file (if it's not already there).
There are two ways to administer POP: In "naive" mode, each user-id
in the _p_a_s_s_w_d (5) file is considered a POP subscriber. No changes are
required for the mailsystem on the POP service host. However, this
method requires that each POP subscriber have an entry in the password
file. The POP server will fetch the user's mail from wherever maildrops
are kept on the POP service host. This means that if maildrops are kept
in the user's home directory, then each POP subscriber must have a home
In "smart" mode (enabled via "DPOP" being given as a configuration
option), the list of POP subscribers and the list of login users are
completely separate name spaces. A separate database (simple file simi-
lar to the _B_B_o_a_r_d_s (5) file) is used to record information about each
POP subscriber. Unfortunately, the local mailsystem must be changed to
reflect this. This requires two changes (both of which are simple):
First, the aliasing mechanism is augmented so that POP subscriber
addresses are diverted to a special delivery mechanism. _M_H comes with a
program, _p_o_p_a_k_a (8), which generates the additional information to be
put in the mailsystem's alias file. Second, a special POP channel (for
MMDF-II) or POP mailer (for SendMail) performs the actual delivery (_m_h._6
supplies both). All it really does is just place the mail in the POP
spool area.
These two different philosophies are not compatible on the same POP
service host: one or the other, but not both may be run. Clever mail-
system people will note that the POP mechanism is really a special case
of the more general BBoards mechanism.
In addition, there is one user-visible difference, which the
administrator controls the availability of. The difference is whether
the POP subscriber must supply a password to the POP server: The first
method uses the standard ARPA technique of sending a username and a
password. The appropriate programs (_i_n_c, _m_s_g_c_h_k, and possibly _b_b_c )
will prompt the user for this information.
The second method (which is enabled via "RPOP" being given as a
configuration option) uses the Berkeley UNIX reserved port method for
authentication. This requires that the two or three mentioned above
programs be _s_e_t_u_i_d to root. (There are no known holes in any of these
To add a POP subscriber, for the first method, one simply follows
the usual procedures for adding a new user, which eventually results in
adding a line to the _p_a_s_s_w_d (5) file; for the second method, one must
edit the POP database file (kept in the home directory of the POP user),
and then run the _p_o_p_a_k_a program. The output of this program is placed
in the aliases file for the transport system (e.g., /usr/lib/aliases for
Authentication for POP subscribers differs depending on the two
methods. When the user supplies a password for the POP session: under
the first method, the contents of the password field for the user's
entry in the _p_a_s_s_w_d (5) is consulted; under the second method, the con-
tents of the password field for the subscriber's entry in the _p_o_p (5)
file is consulted. (To set this field, the _p_o_p_w_r_d (8) program is used.)
If you are allowing RPOP, under the first method, the user's
._r_h_o_s_t_s file is consulted; under the second method, the contents of the
network address field for the subscriber's entry in the _p_o_p (5) file is
In addition, a third authentication scheme is available. When the
APOP configuration option is given, e.g.,
options APOP='"/etc/pop.auth"'
In this case, the server also allows a client to supply authentication
credentials to provide for origin authentication and reply protection,
but which do not involve sending a password in the clear over the net-
work. A POP authorization DB, having as its name the value of APOP con-
figuration option, is used to keep track of this information. This file
is created and manipulated by the _p_o_p_a_u_t_h (8) program. Because this
file contains secret information, it must be protected mode 0600 and
owned by the super-user. Hence, your first step after installing the
software is to issue
# popauth -init
which creates and initalizes the POP authorization DB.
POP(5) -23- POP(5)
POP - POP database of subscribers
The POP database has exactly the same format as the _B_B_o_a_r_d_s (5)
database, although many fields are unused. Currently, only four
fields are examined:
_f_i_e_l_d _v_a_l_u_e
name the POP subscriber
primary file the maildrop for the POP subscriber
(relative to the POP directory)
encrypted password the POP subscriber's password
network address the remote user allowed to RPOP
This is an ASCII file. Each field within each POP subscriber's
entry is separated from the next by a colon. Each POP subscriber
is separated from the next by a new-line. If the password field is
null, then no password is valid.
To add a new POP subscriber, edit the file adding a line such as
Then, use _p_o_p_w_r_d to set the password for the POP subscriber. If
you wish to allow POP subscribers to access their maildrops without
supplying a password (by using privileged ports), fill-in the net-
work address field, as in:
which permits "mrose@nrtc-isc" to access the maildrop for the POP
subscriber "mrose". Multiple network addresses may be specified by
separating them with commas, as in:
To disable a POP subscriber from _r_e_c_e_i_v_i_n_g mail, set the primary
file name to the empty string. To prevent a POP subscriber from
_p_i_c_k_i_n_g-_u_p mail, set the encrypted password to "*" and set the net-
work address to the empty string.
This file resides in home directory of the login "pop". Because of
the encrypted passwords, it can and does have general read permis-
/usr/spool/pop/POP POP database
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
POP(5) -24- POP(5)
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
bboards(5), pop(8), popaka(8), popd(8), popwrd(8)
A binary indexed file format should be available for fast access.
Appropriate precautions must be taken to lock the file against
changes if it is to be edited with a text editor. A _v_i_p_o_p program
is needed.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
POP(8) -25- POP(8)
pop - POP channel/mailer
/usr/mmdf/chans/pop fd1 fd2 [y]
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/spop POP-subscriber ...
For _M_M_D_F-_I_I, the POP channel delivers mail to the POP spool area
for later retrieval by POP subscribers. For _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l, the SPOP
mailer performs this task.
For each address given, these programs consult the _p_o_p (5) file to
obtain information about the POP-subscriber named by the address.
The programs then deliver the message to the spool area for the
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor tailor file
/usr/spool/pop/POP POP database
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
bboards(5), bbaka(8)
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
POPAKA(8) -26- POPAKA(8)
popaka - generate POP entries for SendMail or MMDF-II alias file
The _p_o_p_a_k_a program reads the POP database and produces on its stan-
dard output a file suitable for inclusion in the SendMail or
_M_M_D_F-_I_I aliases file. The contents of this file divert mail for
POP subscribers to the POP channel.
/usr/spool/pop/POP POP database
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
popauth - manipulate POP authorization DB
popauth [-init] [-list] [-user name] [-help]
The _p_o_p_a_u_t_h program allows a POP-subscriber to change the secret
value used to generate their authentication credentials. In addi-
tion, the super-user or master POP user may use this program to
either initialize the database or to print public information from
it. _p_o_p_a_u_t_h is useful only when the APOP configuration option is
defined. (This configuration option defines the name of the POP
authorization DB.)
Under normal usage, _p_o_p_a_u_t_h prompts for a new secret, just like the
_p_a_s_s_w_d program. It then updates the POP authorization DB accord-
With the `-init' switch, the super-user or master POP user can
create a new (or zero the existing) POP authorization DB.
With the `-list' switch, the super-user or master POP user can
print out public information about the named subscriber (or all
/etc/pop.auth.* POP authorization DB
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
POPD(8) -28- POPD(8)
popd - the POP server
/usr/etc/popd [-p portno] (under /etc/rc.local)
The _p_o_p_d server implements the Post Office Protocol (version 3), as
described in RFC1081 and RFC1082. Basically, the server listens on
the TCP port named "pop" for connections and enters the POP upon
establishing a connection. The `-p' option overrides the default
TCP port. If the POP2 configuration option is defined, then the
server also implements version 2 of the protocol. If the APOP con-
figuration option is defined, then the server supports a non-
standard mechanism for identity-establishment in which authentica-
tion credentials are used to provide for origin authentication and
reply protection, but which do not involve sending a password in
the clear over the network. See _p_o_p_a_u_t_h(8) for more details.
/usr/spool/pop/POP POP database
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
_P_o_s_t _O_f_f_i_c_e _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l - _v_e_r_s_i_o_n _3 (aka RFC-1081),
_P_o_s_t _O_f_f_i_c_e _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l - _v_e_r_s_i_o_n _3: _E_x_t_e_n_d_e_d _s_e_r_v_i_c_e _o_f_f_e_r_i_n_g_s
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
POPD(8) -29- POPD(8)
For historical reasons, the _M_H POP defaults to using the port named
"pop" (109) instead of its newly assigned port named "pop3" (110).
See the POPSERVICE configuration option for more details.
Previous versions of the server (10/28/84) had the restriction that
the POP client may retrieve messages for login users only. This
restriction has been lifted, and true POB support is available
(sending mail to a mailbox on the POP service host which does not
map to a user-id in the password file).
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
POPWRD(8) -30- POPWRD(8)
popwrd - set password for a POP subscriber
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/popwrd POP-subscriber
The _p_o_p_w_r_d program lets the super-user or the master POP user or a
"leader" of a POP subscriber change the password field for the POP
subscriber in the POP database. This program is very similar to
the _p_a_s_s_w_d (1) program.
Since only the super-user and the master POP user may change any
other fields of the POP database (using an ordinary editor), it is
possible for the system administrator to delegate responsibility to
others to manage groups of POP subscribers.
/usr/spool/pop/POP POP database
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
Although _p_o_p_w_r_d does locking against other invocations of _p_o_p_w_r_d,
editor locking for the POP database in general is not implemented.
A _v_i_p_o_p program is needed.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
_5. _M_A_I_L _F_I_L_T_E_R_I_N_G
There was a time when users on a UNIX host might have had two mail-
drops: one from _M_M_D_F and the other from _U_U_C_P. This was really a bad
problem since it prevented using a single user-interface on all of your
mail. Furthermore, if you wanted to send a message to addresses on dif-
ferent mailsystems, you couldn't send just one message. To solve all
these problems, the notion of _m_a_i_l _f_i_l_t_e_r_i_n_g was developed that allowed
sophisticated munging and relaying between the two pseudo-domains.
_M_H will perform mail filtering, transparently, if given the MF con-
figuration option. However, with the advent of _S_e_n_d_M_a_i_l and further
maturation of _M_M_D_F, _M_H doesn't really need to do this anymore, since
these message transport agents handle it.
The mail-filtering stuff is too complicated. It should be simpler,
but, protocol translation really _i_s difficult.
MF(1) -32- MF(1)
muinc, musift, uminc, umsift - mail filters
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/musift [files ...]
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/umsift [files ...]
The mail filters are a set of programs that filter mail from one
format to another. In particular, _U_U_C_P- and _M_M_D_F-style mail files
are handled.
_m_u_i_n_c filters mail from the user's _M_M_D_F maildrop into the user's
_U_U_C_P maildrop; similarly, _u_m_i_n_c filters mail from the user's _U_U_C_P
maildrop into the user's _M_M_D_F maildrop. These two programs respect
each system's maildrop locking protocols.
_m_u_s_i_f_t filters each file on the command line (or the standard input
if no arguments are given), and places the result on the standard
output in _U_U_C_P format. The files (or standard input) are expected
to be in _M_M_D_F format. _u_m_s_i_f_t does the same thing filtering _U_U_C_P
formatted files (or input), and places the _M_M_D_F formatted result on
the standard output. No locking protocols are used by these pro-
If the files aren't in the expected format, the mail filters will
try to recover. In really bad cases, you may lose big.
/usr/spool/mail/ UUCP spool area for maildrops
/usr/spool/mail/$USER Location of standard maildrop
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
_P_r_o_p_o_s_e_d _S_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _f_o_r _M_e_s_s_a_g_e _H_e_a_d_e_r _M_u_n_g_i_n_g (aka RFC-886),
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
MF(1) -33- MF(1)
Numerous; protocol translation is very difficult.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
RMAIL(8) -34- RMAIL(8)
rmail - UUCP interface to mail
rmail address ...
_R_m_a_i_l is intended as a replacement for those systems without _S_e_n_d_-
_M_a_i_l or _M_M_D_F. It is normally invoked by _u_u_x on behalf of the
remote _U_U_C_P site. For each address, it decides where to send it:
either locally, via another _U_U_C_P link, or via the Internet.
_R_m_a_i_l implements a crude access control facility by consulting the
files Rmail.OkHosts and Rmail.OkDests in the /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/
directory. Hosts listed in the former file can send messages to
anywhere they please. Hosts listed in the latter file can receive
messages from anywhere. Note that a host listed in the first file
is implicitly listed in the second file.
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/mtstailor tailor file
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/Rmail.OkHosts list of privileged hosts
/usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/Rmail.OkDests list of privileged destinations
_P_r_o_f_i_l_e _C_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_s
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
_6. _M_H _H_A_C_K_I_N_G
Finally, here's a little information on modifying the _M_H sources.
A word of advice however:
If you really want new _M_H capabilities, write a shell script instead.
After all, that's what UNIX is all about, isn't it?
Here's the organization of the _M_H source tree.
conf/ configurator tree
config/ compiled configuration constants
dist/ distributor
doc/ manual entries
h/ include files
miscellany/ various sundries
mts/ MTS-specific areas
mh/ standalone delivery
sendmail/ SendMail, SMTP
papers/ papers about _M_H
sbr/ subroutines
support/ support programs and files
bboards/ UCI BBoards facility
general/ templates
pop/ POP facility
tma/ Trusted Mail Agent (not present in all distributions)
uip/ programs
zotnet/ MTS-independent areas
bboards/ UCI BBoards facility
mf/ Mail Filtering
mts/ MTS constants
tws/ date routines
MH-HACK(8) -36- MH-HACK(8)
mh-hack - how to hack MH
big hack attack
This is a description of how one can modify the _M_H system. The _M_H
distribution has a lot of complex inter-relations, so before you go
modifying any code, you should read this and understand what is
going on.
Suppose you want to create a new _M_H command called "pickle".
First, create and edit "pickle.c" in the uip/ directory. Next
edit conf/makefiles/uip to include "pickle". This file has
directions at the end of it which explain how it should be
modified. Next, update any documentation (described below).
At this point you can re-configure _M_H. See _m_h-_g_e_n(_8) for
instructions on how to do this (basically, you want "mhconfig
Suppose you want to create a new _M_H routine called "pickle".
First, create and edit "pickle.c" in the sbr/ directory. Next
edit conf/makefiles/sbr to include "pickle". This file has
directions at the end of it which explain how it should be
modified. You should modify config/mh.h to define "pickle
();". Similarly, sbr/llib-lsbr should be modified for _l_i_n_t.
At this point you can re-configure _M_H.
Edit whatever files you want in conf/doc/. When documenting a
new program, such as "pickle", you should create a manual page
with the name "pickle.rf". The file conf/doc/template has a
manual page template that you can use. If you are documenting
a new program, then you should also update three other files:
The file conf/doc/mh.rf should be modified to include the
".NA" section from "pickle.rf". The file conf/doc/mh-chart.rf
should be modified to include the ".SY" section from
"pickle.rf". Finally, the file conf/doc/MH.rf should be modi-
fied to include a ".so pickle.me". Naturally, none of these
changes will be reflected in the configuration until you actu-
ally run _m_h_c_o_n_f_i_g.
Too numerous to mention. Honest.
_S_e_e _A_l_s_o
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
MH-HACK(8) -37- MH-HACK(8)
Hacking is an art, but most programmers are butchers, not artists.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 UCI version
_7. _H_I_D_D_E_N _F_E_A_T_U_R_E_S
The capabilities discussed here should not be used on a production
basis, as they are either experimental, are useful for debugging _M_H, or
are otherwise not recommended.
_D_e_b_u_g _F_a_c_i_l_i_t_i_e_s
The _m_a_r_k command has a `-debug' switch which essentially prints out
all the internal _M_H data structures for the folder you're looking at.
The _p_o_s_t command has a `-debug' switch which does everything but
actually post the message for you. Instead of posting the draft, it
sends it to the standard output. Similarly, _s_e_n_d has a `-debug' switch
which gets passed to _p_o_s_t.
Some _M_H commands look at envariables to determine debug-mode opera-
tion of certain new facilities. The current list of envariables is:
MHPOPDEBUG POP transactions
MHVDEBUG window management transactions
MHWDEBUG alternate-mailboxes
_F_o_r_w_a_r_d_i_n_g _M_a_i_l
The _f_o_r_w and _m_h_l commands have two switches, `-dashmunging' and
`-nodashmunging' which enable or disable the prepending of `- ' in for-
warded messages. To use `-nodashmunging', you must use an _m_h_l filter
The _s_e_n_d command has two switches, `-unique' and `-nounique', which
are useful to certain individuals who, for obscure reasons, do not use
"Distribution Carbon Copy" addresses may be specified in the _D_c_c:
header. This header is removed before posting the message,and a copy of
the message is distributed to each listed address. This could be
considered a form of Blind Carbon Copy which is best used for sending to
an address which would never reply (such as an auto-archiver).
_P_o_s_t_i_n_g _M_a_i_l
If you're running a version of _M_H which talks directly to an _S_M_T_P
server (or perhaps an advanced _M_M_D_F submit process), there are lots of
interesting switches for your amusement which _s_e_n_d and _p_o_s_t understand:
-mail Use the _M_A_I_L command (default)
-saml Use the _S_A_M_L command
-send Use the _S_E_N_D command
-soml Use the _S_O_M_L command
-snoop Watch the _S_M_T_P transaction
-client host Claim to be "host" when posting mail
-server host Post mail with "host"
The last switch is to be useful when _M_H resides on small worksta-
tions (or PC:s) in a network--they can post their outgoing mail with a
local relay, and reduce the load on the local system. On POP client
hosts, the `-server host' switch is defaulted appropriately using the
SMTP search-list mechanism. The _w_h_o_m command understands the last three
_8. _C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N _O_P_T_I_O_N_S
This manual was generated with the following configuration options
in effect:
Generation Date August 20, 1993
Primary Directory /usr/local/mh-6.8/
Secondary Directory /usr/local/lib/mh-6.8/
Maildrop Location /usr/spool/mail/$USER
POP Support Enabled
BBoards using NNTP Enabled
Transport System MMDF-II with SMTP
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1
Scope of this document ....................................... 1
Summary ...................................................... 1
2. THE MTS INTERFACE .......................................... 3
MH-TAILOR ................................................. 4
MH-MTS .................................................... 10
3. BBOARDS .................................................... 12
BBoard Delivery .............................................. 12
BBoards with the POP ......................................... 13
BBoards with the NNTP ........................................ 14
BBOARDS ................................................... 15
BBAKA ..................................................... 16
BBEXP ..................................................... 17
BBOARDS ................................................... 18
BBTAR ..................................................... 19
4. POP ........................................................ 20
POP ....................................................... 23
POP ....................................................... 25
POPAKA .................................................... 26
POPAUTH ................................................... 27
POPD ...................................................... 28
POPWRD .................................................... 30
5. MAIL FILTERING ............................................. 31
MF ........................................................ 32
RMAIL ..................................................... 34
6. MH HACKING ................................................. 35
MH-HACK ................................................... 36
7. HIDDEN FEATURES ............................................ 38
Debug Facilities ............................................. 38
Forwarding Mail .............................................. 38
Send ......................................................... 38
Posting Mail ................................................. 39
8. CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ...................................... 40
UCI Version
Marshall T. Rose
_F_i_r_s_t _E_d_i_t_i_o_n:
_M_H _C_l_a_s_s_i_c
(_N_o_t _t_o _b_e _c_o_n_f_u_s_e_d _w_i_t_h _a _w_e_l_l-_k_n_o_w_n _s_o_f_t _d_r_i_n_k)
August 20, 1993
6.8.1 #1[UCI]